Co-operative Advantage

Co-operative Advantage

Our members receive many advantages by being a member of a co-operative business.

Fair Financial Support

The Derbyshire Community Bank supports people to manage their finances and not get into debt through a credit union model, further information on this link.

Improving Communities

50% of customer owned retailers are investing twice as much of their profit in local areas compared to their competitors.

There is a social advantage through linking vulnerable people who are isolated, disabled or in need of support by working together and offering solutions, through employment, volunteering and community initiatives.

Co-op Volunteering

Over 100,000 Co-operative colleagues across the UK volunteered in their local communities.

Co-operative Sector Resilience

The Co-operatives UK's 2017 Economy report reveals the UK's Co-op economy has a collective turnover of £35.7bn.

Co-operative Member Voice

Give a voice to your sector which is important to the economy. We provide a platform for employee-owned businesses and also provide access to a network of employers to learn from in your area.

Fairtrade is the Co-op Way

Fairtrade has the ability to change lives and farmers and workers report that fair-trade is the most effective scheme for them as they are given a fair chance to take the responsibility for their own futures.

Increasing influence with Global Policy Makers

Through the International Co-operative Alliance members can influence global policy makers to - Blueprint for a Co-operative decade

Co-operative ToolKit - Do it ourselves

Input and ideas from over 550 co-operatives. This is a creative tool to discover what you and your organisation can do to create a more participative economy.


Economic & Social Benefit

Co-operative Business Solutions

Values & Principles

Become a Member

Join Co-operatives East Midlands

Click here to join

Contact Us

Jenny de Villiers

Co-ops East Midlands Secretary


07773 705552

Legal Info

Co-operatives East Midlands is "an unincorporated association".

Discover More on Our YouTube Channel

YouTube on  Co-Op East Midlands